7 Side Hustles to Earn Over $5,000 Per Month

Sara Finance
3 min readJun 12, 2024

In this article, we will explore seven different side hustles that can realistically help you earn over $5,000 per month. Each side hustle is ranked from best to worst based on its potential and ease of starting. If you’re looking for a way to make extra money in your spare time, these side hustles are worth considering.

1. Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing involves promoting a brand’s product or service with a unique link, earning a commission for each sale made through your link. It’s highly scalable and has no startup costs.

Steps to Start:

Pick a profitable niche (fashion, fitness, finance).
Find high-paying affiliate links on websites like impact.com and clickbank.com.
Create content on social media to promote your links.
Why It’s Great:

No cap on earnings.
Can generate significant passive income.

First Place
2. Becoming a Content Creator
Becoming a content creator involves creating and posting content on social media platforms. You can monetize through brand deals, affiliate marketing, selling products, and ad revenue.

Steps to Start:

Pick a niche you are passionate about.
Start posting content and learn as you go.
Why It’s Great:

Opens up numerous revenue streams.
The creator economy is booming.

Second Place
3. Organic Drop Shipping
Drop shipping involves creating a custom website using Shopify and adding products from wholesalers like AutoDS. You promote products on social media without paying for ads.

Steps to Start:

Build your Shopify store.
Find a product you believe in and promote it on social media.
Why It’s Great:

Low startup costs.
No need to hold inventory.

Third Place
4. Buying Dividend Stocks
Investing in stocks that pay dividends provides regular income. This is suitable for long-term income generation.

Steps to Start:

Invest in dividend-paying stocks (e.g., Apple, Microsoft).
Plan regular investments (e.g., $200/month).
Why It’s Great:

Generates passive income.
Requires minimal time investment.

Fourth Place
5. Social Media Manager
A social media manager handles social media accounts for content creators and businesses, taking care of tasks like answering emails, scripting content, and scheduling.

Steps to Start:

Learn the basics through YouTube tutorials.
Reach out to content creators via email.
Why It’s Great:

High demand for social media management.

Fifth Place
6. Copywriting
Copywriting involves writing content that persuades people to buy products or services. This includes blog posts, newsletters, and advertisements.

Steps to Start:

Learn copywriting basics through YouTube tutorials and books like “Copywriting Secrets” by Jim Edwards.
Advertise your services on platforms like Upwork and Fiverr.
Why It’s Great:

High potential income.
Can turn into a full-time business.

Sixth Place
7. Video Editing
Video editing is in high demand among content creators. All you need is a good understanding of editing software and some creativity.

Steps to Start:

Learn video editing through free YouTube tutorials.
Reach out to content creators with a portfolio.
Why It’s Great:

High demand for skilled video editors.

Seventh Place
These seven side hustles offer various ways to earn significant income with minimal initial investment. Whether you’re interested in content creation, affiliate marketing, or investing, there’s a side hustle for everyone. Start with the one that best fits your skills and interests, and gradually build it into a profitable venture. For additional tools and resources to help you get started, check out Taylor Brands, which offers comprehensive support for forming LLCs, designing logos, and more.



Sara Finance

My goal is to help you reach your financial goals. I’ll go into details about my experience with entrepreneurship, real estate