How I Made Over $72,000 Last Month: Top 5 Online Businesses to Start

Sara Finance
3 min readMay 31, 2024

Last month, I earned over $72,000 from various online businesses. In this article, I’ll share the top five businesses you can start this year to make your first $100,000. With the help of AI and the internet, ordinary people are transforming their lives and making millions of dollars. This golden opportunity won’t last forever, so those who seize it will join the top 1% and enjoy an incredible life. If you aim for financial freedom, this article will provide the exact blueprint you need to start your first successful business.

1. Becoming a Content Creator
Becoming a content creator is one of the simplest ways to earn thousands of dollars a month from the comfort of your home. A content creator posts on social media and earns a living from it. I personally make well over $50,000 a month as a content creator. Here’s how you can get started:

Pick a niche you’re interested in. For example, I chose finance because I love it.
Create short-form videos on platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and Pinterest. Avoid long YouTube videos initially as they are more challenging.
Study other content creators in your space to see what works for them.
You can make money by promoting products and services to your audience, securing paid sponsorships, and earning from YouTube ads. For an in-depth tutorial, check out my YouTube video linked in the description.

2. Selling Products on Amazon
Selling products on Amazon, especially digital products, is another great business idea. Here’s a simplified way to start:

Create a low-content book like a journal or notebook using software like Book Bolt.
Upload the book to Amazon via Amazon KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing).
When a customer buys your book, Amazon handles the printing and shipping, making this a hassle-free business model. However, it is competitive, so it’s ranked fourth due to the difficulty beginners face in scaling.

3. Branded Shopify Drop Shipping
Shopify drop shipping involves creating a custom website using Shopify and adding products from a supplier like AutoDS. Here’s a brief guide:

Create your store and add products from a wholesaler.
Promote your products on social media to drive sales.
Focus on selling one high-quality product and scaling it rather than frequently changing products. This method ranks third due to the initial investment required and the potential for products to lose popularity over time.

4. Pinterest Affiliate Marketing
I make over $155,000 a month from affiliate marketing. Here’s how you can start:

(Get a 50% discount on my affiliate marketing course through this link only for the first 10 people.)

Pick a niche like finance, fitness, home decor, etc.
Find high-paying affiliate links from sites like and
Promote your links on Pinterest by posting content or running ads.
Pinterest is beginner-friendly and doesn’t require you to show your face. This business ranks first alongside content creation due to its simplicity and scalability.

5. Buying Rental Properties
I own three townhomes that generate $7,700 a month. Here’s a basic strategy:

Secure a mortgage to purchase a property.
Rent out the property to cover the mortgage and earn a profit.
While real estate can be lucrative, it requires significant upfront capital and is not ideal for beginners without substantial savings. This business ranks fifth due to the financial barrier to entry.

These are the five best businesses you can start to achieve financial freedom. Determine which business suits you best and commit to it. For more detailed guidance, check out the full YouTube videos linked in the description. Thank you for reading, and good luck on your entrepreneurial journey!



Sara Finance

My goal is to help you reach your financial goals. I’ll go into details about my experience with entrepreneurship, real estate