I Tried Affiliate Marketing With No Money For 1 Week

Sara Finance
5 min readSep 27, 2023

Affiliate marketing involves promoting a brand’s products or services using a unique link. When someone clicks on this link and makes a purchase or signs up, the promoter earns a commission.

Affiliate Marketing Course

Day 1: Setting the Groundwork

Selecting a Niche:

The narrator chooses the business niche, considering it the most lucrative among options like cooking, finance, fitness, and self-development.

Creating Social Media Accounts:

The narrator creates theme pages on TikTok and Pinterest with the username “way_to_billionaire” to promote affiliate links, as these platforms are deemed easiest to grow on.

Finding Affiliate Links:

The narrator uses Impact.com and ClickBank.com to find affiliate links in the business money niche. He signs up for the Coinbase and ClickBank affiliate programs, which offer commissions for sign-ups and purchases of crypto and app reviews, respectively.

Applying for Affiliate Programs:

The narrator applies for the Robinhood and Shopify affiliate programs on Impact, which offer commissions for user sign-ups and deposits, and for users paying for their first month of Shopify after a three-month free trial, respectively.

Day 2: Advertising Strategy

Placing Affiliate Links:

The narrator uses Linktree to place all affiliate links in one link and puts it in the social media bios.

Posting Content:

The narrator posts two to four videos every day on TikTok and Pinterest, using viral videos related to business motivation or money motivation found on TikTok. He uses SnapTik.app to download videos without a watermark and uploads them to his social media accounts.

Growing TikTok Account:

The narrator grows his TikTok account to over a thousand followers quickly by ensuring the first six videos posted are viral worthy. He then adds his Linktree to his TikTok bio.

Results After One Week:

Social Media Growth:

The TikTok account did well, with a few videos going viral, redirecting many people to the Linktree in the bio. However, the Pinterest account did not gain much traction, requiring more consistency over two to three weeks to see views.


  • 21 people signed up for the free Shopify trial.
  • Six people signed up for Robinhood.
  • No one signed up for the Coinbase or ClickBank affiliate links.
  • Potential earnings from Shopify could be around nine hundred dollars, considering around 30% of those who signed up might end up paying for their first month after the three-month free trial.

Conclusion and Reflections:

Earnings Reflection:

While the narrator did not make a thousand dollars from this one-week challenge, he is positive that if he kept this running for the next few months, he could consistently make at least two thousand dollars every single month, especially with the Shopify affiliate program.

Future Prospects:

The narrator emphasizes the potential of the Shopify affiliate program and is optimistic about the possibility of earning more than the initial estimate of nine hundred dollars in the coming months.

Learning Opportunity:

The narrator offers an affiliate marketing course for those interested in learning his exact strategy to make over fifteen thousand dollars a month from affiliate marketing.

Final Thoughts:

The narrator concludes the video by expressing hope that the shared journey and strategies would help the viewers in their affiliate marketing endeavors.

Now, I will proceed to convert the entire transcription into a well-structured article.


A Journey to $1,000: A One-Week Affiliate Marketing Challenge


Affiliate marketing offers a lucrative opportunity to earn by promoting brands and their products. This article documents a seven-day challenge aiming to earn $1,000 through affiliate marketing, starting entirely from scratch. The journey, filled with strategies, insights, and reflections, serves as a guide for those looking to venture into the realm of affiliate marketing.

Understanding Affiliate Marketing:

Affiliate marketing is a performance-based marketing strategy where individuals promote a brand’s products or services using a unique link. When someone clicks on this link and makes a purchase or signs up, the promoter earns a commission, creating a win-win scenario for both the brand and the promoter.

Day 1: Laying the Foundation:

Selecting a Niche:

Choosing a niche is the first step in affiliate marketing. For this challenge, the business niche was selected for its lucrative potential, among other options like cooking, finance, fitness, and self-development.

Creating Social Media Presence:

To promote affiliate links, theme pages on TikTok and Pinterest were created with the username “way_to_billionaire.” These platforms are considered optimal for growth and promotion.

Finding and Applying for Affiliate Programs:

Impact.com and ClickBank.com were used to find affiliate links in the business money niche. Applications were sent for the Robinhood and Shopify affiliate programs on Impact, which offer commissions for user sign-ups, deposits, and first-month payments after trial periods.

Day 2: Implementing Advertising Strategies:

Organizing and Placing Affiliate Links:

Linktree was utilized to organize all affiliate links under one link, which was then placed in the social media bios to streamline access for the audience.

Content Posting and Account Growth:

Viral-worthy videos related to business and money motivation were posted on TikTok and Pinterest. The TikTok account quickly grew to over a thousand followers, enabling the addition of the Linktree to the bio. The strategy focused on leveraging the virality of the content to gain followers and redirect them to the affiliate links.

Results and Reflections:

Analyzing Social Media Performance:

While the TikTok account experienced substantial growth and interaction, the Pinterest account required more time and consistency to gain traction. The majority of the leads and interactions were attributed to TikTok.

Earnings and Potential:

  • 21 people signed up for the free Shopify trial.
  • Six people signed up for Robinhood.
  • No sign-ups were recorded for the Coinbase or ClickBank affiliate links.

The estimated earnings from Shopify were around nine hundred dollars, considering a 30% conversion rate post-trial period. Although the one-week challenge did not reach the thousand-dollar goal, the potential for consistent monthly earnings was recognized, especially with the lucrative payouts from the Shopify affiliate program.

Conclusion and Learning Opportunities:

The one-week affiliate marketing challenge provided insights into the potential and strategies of affiliate marketing. While the goal of $1,000 was not met within the week, the foundations laid and the strategies implemented showcased the possibilities of consistent and substantial earnings in the long run.

For those interested in delving deeper into affiliate marketing and learning strategies to earn over fifteen thousand dollars a month, the narrator offers an affiliate marketing course, serving as a comprehensive guide to mastering affiliate marketing.

Final Thoughts:

This journey through the one-week affiliate marketing challenge serves as a testament to the opportunities and learning experiences affiliate marketing offers. The strategies shared, coupled with consistency and optimization, can pave the way for success in the affiliate marketing landscape, allowing individuals to explore and capitalize on the myriad of opportunities available in the digital marketing world.



Sara Finance

My goal is to help you reach your financial goals. I’ll go into details about my experience with entrepreneurship, real estate