Unlocking Success: The Power of Hiring Freelancers

Sara Finance
3 min readOct 6, 2023

In the realm of successful entrepreneurs and creative professionals, there’s a common misconception: the belief that their achievements were sculpted single-handedly. However, the reality often involves a network of support, guidance, and collaboration, particularly from freelancers.

The Misconception of Solo Success

For five years, I’ve navigated the business world, often receiving accolades for “building everything on my own.” While the compliment is flattering, it’s also a bit misleading. My journey has been significantly shaped by numerous individuals who have lent their expertise, support, and skills along the way.

The Essence of Being Independent

Independence in business doesn’t imply doing everything yourself. Rather, it signifies resourcefulness and the ability to harness the capabilities of others to fulfill gaps in your expertise or capacity. Help may come in various forms, be it long-term or short-term, paid or unpaid, through mastermind groups, courses, mentors, or colleagues.

The Gig Economy: A New Work Landscape

The work environment is evolving at a rapid pace, further accelerated by global events like the COVID-19 pandemic. By 2024, it’s projected that 35% of the workforce will comprise independent contractors, signaling a robust gig economy. Companies are minimizing internal full-time staff, opting instead for external partners to enhance flexibility and cost-efficiency.

Why Freelancers?

Freelancers offer the ability to undertake projects that might be partially outside your skill set, providing flexibility and enabling you to only pay for what you need. They bring fresh perspectives, cutting-edge ideas, and specialized skill sets to the table, while also allowing you to adjust your personnel based on project requirements.

Finding Freelancers

Platforms like Fiverr, Upwork, and Guru.com have made it easier to find freelancers, offering a space where you can read reviews and explore their previous work. Other resources include portfolio websites like Dribbble or Behance, professional networking sites like LinkedIn, and gig posting platforms like Craigslist.

Engaging with Freelancers

Before hiring a freelancer, ensure you review their portfolio, check their LinkedIn profile, Google their name, and possibly give them a small (preferably paid) test project. Discuss their current workload to ensure they have the capacity to take on your project and always conduct an interview, preferably via a platform like Zoom, to gauge their communication skills and personality.

Legal and Financial Considerations

Ensure to have freelancers sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) and a Non-Compete Agreement to protect your business and client information. If you’re in the United States and paying them more than $600 a year, ensure they fill out a 1099 form for tax purposes.

Embracing freelancers and the gig economy not only aligns with the current work landscape but also unlocks a world of possibilities, from accessing specialized skills to enhancing flexibility in your operations. It’s not about doing it all yourself but leveraging the available talent to navigate the path to success efficiently.



Sara Finance

My goal is to help you reach your financial goals. I’ll go into details about my experience with entrepreneurship, real estate